1 NomadOfNorad  Feb 16, 2008 12:15:55am


2 Highrise  Feb 16, 2008 12:47:30am

That whole page is hilarious.

It starts out trying to explain to muslims why they shouldn’t get angry about mo’s pics without saying that is what they are trying to prevent.

Why is Muhammad’s name not followed by (pbuh) or (saw)?

It is recommended to remove all honorifics, such as The Prophet, (The) Holy Prophet, (pbuh), or (saw), that precedes or follows Muhammad’s name. This is because many editors consider such honorifics as promoting an Islamic point of view instead of a neutral point of view which Wikipedia is required to maintain. Wikipedia:Naming conventions (people) also recommends against the use of titles or honorifics, such as Prophet, unless it is the simplest and most neutral way to deal with disambiguation. When disambiguation is necessary, the Islamic prophet Muhammad is the recommended form.

The only point of view that rests with these people is the islamic one. Neutral isn’t in their vocabulary of understanding if they go by their teachings and culture.

hehe I bet they no likey the word disambiguation either.

Why does it look like the article on Muhammad is strongly biased towards western references?

Accusations of bias towards western references are often made when an objection is raised against the display of pictures of Muhammad or lack of honorifics when mentioning Muhammad.

Oh really? And all you have to do is receive emails from these offended people. Be glad you aren’t dutch!

All articles on Wikipedia are required to present a neutral point of view. This neutrality is sometimes mistaken for hostility.

Har. They view everything as “hostile” that doesn’t conform to their koran or islam.

Note that exactly the same guidelines apply to articles about Christianity or any other religion.

Psst. They don’t recognize any other religion there, chief! So I don’t think you got that point across the way you had hoped.

Users wishing to participate in an online encyclopedia with a Muslim point of view might want to take a look at other projects such as MuslimWiki, whose article on Muhammad is written according to Islamic rules.

Yes, just please go there anyway if you are muslim and think everyone should conform to you and don’t send us any emails of complaints!

Why can’t I edit this article?
Persistent vandalism of the page has forced us to disable editing by anonymous editors and new accounts. Accounts older than four days can still edit normally, unless the article is protected more heavily, see below. Although sad, it’s truly necessary, and may remain for a very long time.

Yup, we don’t need none of that taquiyya stuff happening.

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